Великобритания – один из крупнейших финансовых и культурных центров современного мира. Иметь свой бизнес здесь престижно и респектабельно. Многие ошибочно полагают, что страна относится к офшорным зонам, но это не так. Англия и Уэльс, Шотландия – юрисдикции с низким налогообложением. Особенности местного законодательства позволяют существенно оптимизировать финансовые потоки за пределами страны. В состав Соединенного Королевства входят три юрисдикции: Англия и Уэльс, Шотландия и Северная Ирландия. предлагает регистрацию компаний в Англии и Уэльсе, Шотландии. Регистрация в каждой из указанных юрисдикций имеет свои преимущества и недостатки.

Регистрация компании в Великобритании с SPS Legal возможна в виде следующих организационно-правовых форм:

  • Private company limited by shares, LTD, Англия и Уэльс
  • Limited liability partnership, LLP, Англия и Уэльс
  • Limited partnership, LP, Англия и Уэльс, Шотландия
  • EUR 2500

    Стоимость регистрации компании в Вануату
  • 2 месяца

    Средний срок регистрации компании после подачи документов
  • EUR 1700

    Стоимость продления компании на следующий год при обслуживании
  • 0%

    Ставка налога на прибыль для нерезидентных компаний
Основная информация о юрисдикции
Организационно-правовые формы, требования к директору, налогообложение,
процедура регистрации компании и требования по отчетности.
Требования к ведению деятельности и регистрации компании в Вануату
Законы Вануату предусматривают следующие организационно-правовые формы компаний:
Local Limited Company / «Местная» компания с ограниченной ответственностью:
  • Могут быть как государственными, так и частными компаниями.
  • Имеют полные права для ведения бизнеса в Вануату;
  • Должны иметь действительную лицензию, если таковая требуется в соответствии с их видом деятельность;
  • Могут вести свой бизнес в любой точке мира.
  • Государственные компании имеют право продавать свои акции населению, если они издают проспект эмиссии, в то время как частным компаниям такого права не предоставлено.
  • Местная компания может быть зарегистрирована как компания с неограниченной ответственностью.
Exempted Company / «Овобожденная» компания:
  • Имеет ограничения по видам предпринимательской деятельности;
  • Могут заключать договоры или соглашения с местными компаниями только в связи с предпринимательской деятельностью внутри республики;
  • Могут иметь только внутренних бухгалтеров, юристов и тп;
  • Могут заключать контракты с другими освобожденными компаниями и международными компаниями.
International Company / Международная компания:
  • Является наиболее распространенной формой офшорного бизнеса;
  • Может заниматься предпринимательской деятельностью только за пределами Вануату;
  • Информация о правлении и бенефициарах компании является открытой и компании обязаны ее регистрировать в реестре акционеров;
  • Для учреждения требуется один директор и один (номинальный) акционер. И директоры, и акционеры, в соответствии с положениями законодательства, могут быть юридическими лицами.

В Вануату существует три вида лицензий для ведения предпринимательской деятельности:
I класс выдается под следующие виды деятельности:
  • операциями с долговыми акциями;
  • заемными акциями, облигациями;
  • депозитными сертификатами;
  • выручкой от обмена иностранной валюты.
II класс позволяет вести деятельность связанную с операциями с фьючерсными контрактами и производными продуктами, но не ограничиваясь фьючерсами и опционами.
III класс позволяет вести деятельность, связанную с:
  • операциями с долями в капитале компаний;
  • выручкой от торговли драгоценными металлами;
  • выручкой от торговли сырьевыми товарами;
  • правом подписки на акции или долговые инструменты, независимо от того, предоставлено ли такое право варрантом;
  • правом по депозитарной расписке;
  • правом по договору приобретения ценных бумаг.

Представителем (Representative) могут выступать директор, акционер, менеджер компании, в том числе и не фигурирующий в ее корпоративных документах. По общей практике для этих целей назначают директора компании. В компании обязательно должно быть назначено лицо, ответственное за процедуры KYC и AML.


Complete the form with general information about your planned activities and legal entity structure and we shall start the formation process after the appointment of an additional consultation.
Apply for company registration in the chosen jurisdiction
Fill out the form and we will contact you within 24 hours
Legal form (can be skipped)
Specify the required organizational and legal form
Indicate the number of shareholders at initial registration
10 or more
Indicate the number of directors at initial incorporation
5 or more
Do you need a real or virtual office? (can be skipped)
Our specialists will send a commercial proposal to this email address
Our consultant will contact you for a free consultation


Answers to the most common questions about incorporating a company in the Vanuatu
Can I incorporate a company anonymously?
No, we are in any case obliged to obtain details of the person who will control the company, as well as the shareholders and directors.
What documents do I need to register a company?
In order to register a company, we require a Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure. In most cases, as part of this procedure, we require proof of identity, proof of residential address, and a bank account certificate. In some cases, we may also require a criminal or criminal record certificate, a CV, a copy of a university degree and other documents that include, but not limited to:

1. Company Name:
  • Proposed name for the company (should be checked for availability).
2. Articles of Association (AOA) or Memorandum of Association (MOA):
  • These documents outline the company's internal management rules and regulations, including the responsibilities of directors, how decisions will be made, and the rights of shareholders.
3. Incorporation Form:
  • The specific form to register the company, which varies by jurisdiction, often called Form IN01 in the UK or equivalent in other countries.
4. Registered Office Address:
  • A valid address in the country where the company will be registered. This can often be a correspondence address (some jurisdictions require a physical office).
5. Details of Directors:
  • Names, addresses, and identification documents (passports, IDs) of all directors.
6. Details of Shareholders:
  • Names, addresses, and identification of all shareholders (individuals or corporate entities). Some jurisdictions also require the number of shares and percentage of ownership for each shareholder.
7. Company Secretary Information (if applicable):
  • In some jurisdictions (like Hong Kong), a company secretary must be appointed, and their details should be provided.
8. Statement of Capital:
  • Information on the company’s share capital, including the number of shares, types of shares, and the value of each share.
9. Identification Documents:
  • Copies of identification documents (passports, national ID cards) for directors, shareholders, and company secretary.
  • Proof of residential address (such as utility bills or bank statements).
10. Consent Forms:
  • Signed consent from directors and shareholders agreeing to their appointment and their roles within the company.
11. Beneficial Owner Declaration:
  • Some jurisdictions require a declaration of the company's beneficial owners to ensure transparency and compliance with anti-money laundering laws.
12. Bank Reference Letters:
  • Some countries may ask for bank reference letters for the shareholders or directors, particularly in offshore jurisdictions.
13. Power of Attorney:
  • If the company is being registered on behalf of someone, a power of attorney may be required, authorizing the person or agency handling the registration process.
14. Tax Identification Number (TIN):
  • In certain countries, companies are required to obtain a tax identification number during registration.
What else is needed to register a company?
We need 3 options of the company name to check the availability of the name, information and documents for each shareholder and director, the intended type of activity of the company and the required legal form.
I don't know in which country and in what form it is best for me to register a company, is there some universal option to deal with the whole world?
Simply schedule a free consultation with us and we will be happy to help you find the most appropriate option. There is no universal jurisdiction for dealing with the whole world and it will require a clear identification of the countries where potential clients and counterparties of the company are located.
How long does it take to form a company?
The timing of company formation depends on the legislation and the quality of work of the state authorities of the country of incorporation. Sometimes the timeframe may be further extended due to compliance (verification) of the applicant. Please note that the timeframe for incorporation is calculated from the moment when the client sends all the required data to the lawyers to prepare the documents for the establishment of the company.
What is the difference between a shareholder and a beneficiary? Who is a nominee director or shareholder?
A shareholder is a person who is shown as the owner of a share or shares in a company and can claim dividends. Beneficiary is the person who actually controls the company and in whose interests it derives its profits. Often, the beneficiary and the shareholder are the same, but sometimes the real beneficiary of the company may employ special people (in jurisdictions where this is allowed) - nominee shareholders and directors who will perform all tasks on behalf of the beneficiary as if it were their own. In some countries, nominee shareholders and directors work on a professional basis and are licensed by state authorities. The presence of a nominee shareholder or director does not mean anonymity of the beneficiary's activity and often information about him/her is also transferred to the state authority, but these services are still used, for example, to hide from public access information about the real owner of the company, while maintaining transparency before state authorities and banks.
If I open an offshore - can I not pay taxes or file financial reporting?
No. In many cases, you will be required to pay taxes and fees that are determined by the jurisdiction. In other cases, your tax may be 0%, but this will not relieve you of the obligation to file company reports. In some countries, registering a company offshore still requires the beneficiary to pay taxes under the controlled foreign company rules.
Is registering a foreign company generally legal?
Yes, of course, the company is registered in accordance with the laws and requirements of the chosen jurisdiction. In most cases, there are no special restrictions on the registration of a company by a foreign national. However, it should be borne in mind that the country of residence and citizenship of the person registering the company may have rules on notification of participation in foreign legal entities and other legal requirements, which may also impose sanctions for non-compliance with legal requirements.
What's the difference between residency and citizenship?
In general terms, citizenship is determined by the passport of the country whose laws and taxation regime its citizen undertakes to abide by, and in which he may also have the rights that this state will provide him. It may also be subject to the restrictions of other states related to the country of his citizenship. Residency may vary. For example, tax residency in another country may exempt a person from paying taxes in his country of citizenship. Residency can also be temporary and give a person the right to reside in another country for a long period of time. Determining the tax residency and nationality of the person registering the company is very important in determining the tax regime applicable to the company.
What's the difference between country and jurisdiction?
One country may have several jurisdictions, i.e. legal and tax regimes that apply to companies registered in them. A good example is the UK, which has jurisdictions in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Another example is the UAE, which has special economic zones that provide special advantages to companies operating in certain areas.


We are always happy to provide you a free consultation on the choice of jurisdiction and other issues. Leave your contact information in this form and we will contact you within 24 hours to appoint a consultation.

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